About Us

Rope Access Pty Ltd T/AS Safety Roof Anchors is an Australian owned company established and operated by qualified rope access technicians and certified riggers, with many years of hands on experience.


SRA’s director Jan (Yan) Kroupa has a rich background in industrial rope access on the high rise buildings in Sydney.

Having spent over 12 years providing abseiling services such as building maintenance and window cleaning to some of the most prestigious buildings in Sydney.

“It was during this time that the idea of our own anchor points and static lines was first conceived. SRA started slowly in 2010 and coexisted alongside our former rope access company for a number of years which meant that all early products were tested mainly on us and our team members. We have always viewed our anchors from the position of the end user which meant no cheap materials, no shortcuts and quite a bit of pride!

As a result of our rope access experience we took the long path and learned everything there is to know to fully understand our craft. This is our big point of difference! By default, we are the end users of our products just like you and we fully trust them with our lives! It’s kind of like buying your surf board from the people who actually surf as opposed to buying from someone who doesn’t even get in the water..

We are not just another height safety sales team! We are here to help and support all small operators out there. We love working with the owners of small rope access companies, installers, builders, roof plumbers and anyone who works at heights because we understand their challenges and are able to provide effective solutions.

Since our early days 10 years ago we have learned a lot about product design, engineering, testing and manufacture. Our unique way of fixing into light structures such as metal roofs and timber trusses, provides unrivalled strength due to the maximised use of the host structure working in unison with the anchor point. As a result, we have bridged the gap between rope access and fall arrest anchor points which means that all of our anchor points can be used in both applications.

At SRA we are passionate about height safety and want to see only quality anchor points installed on Australian roofs and man- made structures.
If you are a rope access technician, installer of height safety systems or a builder looking for fall arrest / rope access anchor points or static line system you will appreciate the simplicity, logic and strength of our designs!

It is likely that we have the right anchor points for your project backed up by solid documentation and testing. All our products are fully engineered, tested, traceable and marked in accordance with AS/NZS 5532:2013 which will make your installation stand out in the sea of cheap, generic “one size fit all” products still so common these days.

Place your order today to discover the SRA difference!